Tillamook AAUW Leadership

Officer Installation and Member Awards Luncheon

On June 2, we held our annual Officer Installation Luncheon at the Rendezvous
restaurant in downtown Tillamook. Twenty one attendees enjoyed the fun celebration
including scholarship recipient Emily Skaar and her family.

Officer Installation included:
Gail Nelson renewing as Secretary
Sue Luce renewing as Treasurer
Heidi Luquette continues term as President
Patrice Rouska continues term as VP Communications and was appointed Membership Chair.

Recognition of Service
Kelly Benson, outgoing VP Membership
Britta Lawrence, outgoing President Elect.
Kathy Gervasi for her years of service publishing both the directory and Tidelines newsletter.

Volunteers of the year Award
Phyllis Ham and Andrea Goss were recognized as volunteers of the year for co-chairing the annual rummage sale fundraiser.

Funds Honoree Award
Doris Nelson was recognized as the Funds Honoree for the branch.

Thank you was given to our volunteer committee chairs.
Lisa Sage – Scholarship Chair
Lisa Phipps – Public Policy Chair
Bonita Smulski-Bizeau – Funds Chair
Dion Bacon – Governance Chair
Betty Diamond – Social Media
Dinah Nicholson – TBCC Scholarship Chair

The president awarded certificates of appreciation to the following:
Patrice Rouska – Above and Beyond Award
Sue Luce – Irons in the Fire Award
Susan Pierce – Save the Day Award