

Participating in local parades is one way to increase public awareness of our branch and its missions and causes.

ardath-don_stout_float_06Ardath and Don Stout, moved potted seedlings onto the AAUW of Tillamook Dairy Parade float. Sales of the evergreen seedlings provide money to fund our scholarship awards each year. The Stouts nuture trees year round to assure that there are plenty to sell at the Farmers Market and elsewhere for the “Plant a Tree–Grow a Mind” campaign that funds local scholarships awarded by AAUW of Tillamook each year.



Valerie Brace decorates the corner of the float. Is this fun? Yes, definitely!





Our branch calligrapher par excellence, Maggie Burton, with chalk in hand, wrote the theme on the float’s chalkboard.



float-makersJudgment Day. Mary Sause, Ardath Stout, and Maggie Burton are deciding whether the float needs anything else. Before retirement their careers included school guidance counselor, social worker, and school teacher–now, during their “leisure years,” they work to provide funds for scholarships for the women and girls of Tillamook County and other AAUW causes.

Member-Volunteer Mary Sause adds a patriotic stars and stripes trim to the flat bed truck. The Dairy Parade is held in June each year and AAUW of Tillamook has taken home more than one trophy for its creative and innovative floats.


float-workersTaking time off from decorating for a water break are Jean Peterson, our branch scholarship chair, and Valerie Brace, Jump Start chair. Jean is a retired computer specialist and college instructor; Valerie is a retired child welfare worker.



float-finishersThe Float is finally finished. Whew! Tomorrow we’ll walk the parade route and for the rest of the year we will sell seedlings to help women and girls get the education that they want and deserve.

Left to right: Valerie Brace, Mary Sause, Jean Peterson, Jane Frost, Ardath Stout, and Margaret Burton.

All photos contributed by Maggie Burton. © 2006 Margaret Burton.