- Chocolate and appetizers
- Bill Heilman and Paul Miller serving wine | The Co-Chairs husbands became wine stewards for he evening. Everyone volunteers in AAUW!
- Co-Chairs of the Event | Marie Miller and Phyllis Ham
- Jean Scholtz introduced Chelsey Peters | Scholarship Recipient
- Tico Marimba entertained | Member Andrea Goss brought her Marimba Band. They were amazing!
- Claire Peterson watched the Oral History presentation | Valerie, Doris, and Betty interviewed and video taped long-time members Claire, Alice, and Margaret.
- Kim Allen greeted guests | This AAUW Fundraiser was held at the Pioneer Museum in Tillamook, OR.
- Brad Pierce and Dick Diamond attended. | Members husbands socialize during Silent Auction segment of the event.
- Valerie Brace and Nora Coutant | The event was attended by over 100 people
- Merilee and Bonita chose black and white attire | Everyone enjoyed the historial setting of the May 19th fundraiser.
- Fundraising Committee Members were delighted with the turnout | Phyllis (Event Co-coordinator), Marie (Fundraising VP & Event Co-coordinator), and Valerie (Silent Auction organizer.
- Wine & Chocolate Affaire servers
- Appetizers too! | Shrimp!