Installation Dinner Archives
Programs VP Susan Pierce introducing guests at the 2008 Installation Dinner that was held May 8 at the Pancake House’s new banquet room in Tillamook. Other highlights of the evening were the 70th birthday celebration of the branch, scholarship awards to three recipients, Branch EF Named Gift Honoree, installation of new board, president’s special awards, and state awards for “Best Newsletter in Medium Size Branch” category and “Best Branch Website in the State.”
- The Cake. Yummy carrot cake!
- A little pre-installation levity.
- Newsletter award: Dave Robertson and Mary Sause, Tidelines co-editors; Jane Frost, branch president.
- Website award: Jane Frost, branch president; Betty Diamond, branch webmaster.
- President’s awards given out by Jane Frost.
- Educational Foundation Named Gift Honoree for Tillamook, Maggie Burton (center) with Frost and branch EF/LAF Chair, Sue Luce.
- Dinner guests at the 70th Birthday celebration.
- One of several AAU Hubby awards given out went to Rob Ferrero. Husbands help at many AAUW activities and they are most deserving of our appreciation.
- Maggie Burton, Northwest District Director, installed newly elected 2008-2010 board members: Rena Ferrero, President; Jane Frost, Membership VP; Susan Pierce, Finance VP; Carolyn Ollikainen, Secretary. Not pictured: Dione Bacon, Programs VP.
- Scholarship recipients 2008. more details….
- Rena Ferrero added finishing touches to vases before guests arrived.
Installation dinner 2007 at Rendevous Restaurant in downtown Tillamook. Decor theme: The 50’s (hot pink/yellow/neon green). Special presentation featured a review of the last year in photos via Power Point presentation by Carolyn Ollikainen and Rena Ferrero.