Installation 2010 AAUW of Tillamook Installation 2010 Dinner May 20, 2010 at the Shilo Inn Banquet Room in Tillamook, OR Opening remarks by Bonita Smulski-Bizeau, Tillamook’s Program VP President Valerie Brace presents appreciation certificate to outgoing branch secretary Carolyn Ollikainen President presents certificate to outgoing Membership VP Jane Frost Valerie presents “Great Idea” award to Marie Miller & fundraising committee AAUW of Tillamook’s President, Valerie Brace Northwest District Director Susan Pierce presents “Great Idea” award to MaryAnn Dearborn Appreciation certificate to Beka Nikabadze, an exchange student from Tbilisi, Georgia Best Branch Website in State award accepted by Betty Diamond, branch webmaster Lori Gates, Scholarship Committee Chair, announces scholarship winners Scholarship winners and their families Mary Sause announcing EF Named Gift Nominee Margaret Tweelinckx (not present) Newly-elected State President Cynthia Rauscher, honored guest AAUW of Oregon President installing Susan Pierce as Tillamook’s Finance VP Installation of Maggie Burton, Membership VP