President’s Message

Highlights and Notes

President’s message

November started off on a high note for our branch as Paula Wende led us through a successful brunch fundraiser that netted over $2,900 toward our university scholarship program. I was impressed with how many of you jumped in to help from gathering and donating auction items, assembling baskets, setting up a beautifully appointed space for the event, helping share their word through social media to boost attendance and to greeting guests and supporting onsite needs. It took all of us to put this together and I am so appreciative of Paula for stepping forward to lead this event. Bravo!

The speaker for our November meeting will be Claudia Gray, AAUW of OR Funds Chair to share with us how the national Greatest Needs Fund works and how it supports the work AAUW does throughout the year to achieve our mission at the national level. It’s impressive! Also of note is that Pat Lehman, a member of our branch, and participant in our mystery book club will be joining us from Seaside so we look forward to that. I hope to see you there.

November 16, 11:00 AM, TBCC/OSU building, 4506 3rd Street, Tillamook
 – If you aren’t able to join us in person, we welcome you via Zoom.