President’s Message

President’s Message:

Join us Saturday, February 15 at 11 AM for our monthly branch meeting. Michele Bradley, General Manager for the Port of Tillamook Bay and long time AAUW Tillamook branch member will be our speaker with a short business meeting to follow.
We will meet at the TCBB/OSU Building, 4506 3rd Street, Tillamook – If you aren’t able to join us in person, we welcome you via Zoom. Below is the Zoom Meeting link.
Join Zoom Meeting–

Meeting ID: 961 846 0049   Passcode: GirlsRule

Member Dione Bacon is interested in starting some new interest groups. If you are interested in any of these suggestions please reach out to her directly by phone or email. Her information is in the directory. A weekly learning /playing Duplicate Bridge group, once a month bowling group, “A Course in Miracle Study” group, and a monthly “how to invest your Money to make money” group.
We look forward to seeing you on the 15th!